
Grassroots PowerPower
Global Resistance

Build the anti-authoritarian movement with STROIKA

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What We Do

STROIKA's mission is to reverse the tide of rising authoritarianism by building, resourcing, and connecting resistance movements around the globe.


  • • (1) a construction site;
  • • (2) the building of structures, spaces.
Our Mission

Our team of two – Yelena V Litvinov & Tatyana Margolin – joined forces in 2022 to bring our complementary skillsets to the global anti-authoritarian struggle.

Since our founding, we have:
- Enabled donors to support activists working in extremely restrictive countries, safely and securely.
- Organized interdisciplinary convenings for cross-border and cross-movement strategizing.
- Connected activists and journalists with new funding opportunities & led donor advocacy to bring more resources for their work.
- Provided philanthropic advising and thought leadership on how to counter authoritarianism.

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Yelena V Litvinov & Tatyana Margolin

The Authoritarian Toolkit

Authoritarians around the world — from Russia and Brazil to Hungary and the United States — are making use of populist rhetoric and divisive nationalism to advance illiberal agendas. In the process, they’re consolidating power and expanding their own wealth.

Here are answers to common questions about the authoritarian toolkit, which autocratic leaders use to spread propaganda, escape accountability, and take control.

1What is the authoritarian toolkit?

A set of strategies and tactics used by corrupt political leaders to seize and maintain power, consolidate wealth, and repress any dissent.

It begins with stoking fear: campaigns evoke illusory better times and romanticize the past, while blaming the problems of the present on scapegoated “others.” Leaders promise material comforts in exchange for essential rights. These campaigns grow into cultural narratives that further splinter populations along societal fault lines and divide groups into “us” and “them.” Once power is secured, the playbook shifts to tactics for stifling dissent and subverting or co-opting any threats to their rule. This can include criminalizing protest, shutting down independent media and internet freedom, vilifying and surveilling activists, and creating legal barriers for NGO work.

Typically, authoritarianism doesn’t take hold overnight. The erosion of basic freedoms happens incrementally, and in the process, authoritarians distract from their own governance failures. Authoritarian practice enables institutionalized corruption, economic injustice, and damaging climate policies. As these policies become entrenched, authoritarians are able to remove checks and balances on power.

2Why is opposing authoritarianism so urgent?

Far Right and nationalist movements are consolidating and building their power globally. They are drawing on the tools of the authoritarian playbook, learning from each other’s “worst practices,” co-opting international institutions, and supporting each other via well-funded transnational networks. This is the moment for leaders and funders of progressive movements to deepen their understanding of authoritarian tactics, and to build forward-looking anti-authoritarian strategies to prevent further democratic backsliding.

While autocratic leaders have existed throughout history, the speed at which they are seizing and rising to power, and the deep transnational networks that enable them, are unlike anything seen before. Even in historically progressive countries, right-wing parties are winning on campaigns rooted in xenophobia and nationalism and pinning blame on immigrants or LGBT communities for the real economic consequences of neoliberal policy making. Leaders who rule by fear – such as Putin, Orban, Bolsonaro, and Trump – set a dangerous precedent for others following their lead.

3What is STROIKA doing to respond?

STROIKA, Inc. brings to progressive movements the resources, insights, and intersectional networks that they need to take on our world’s greatest challenges.

A powerful resistance is building. Movement leaders are articulating a compelling alternative to authoritarians’ regressive fear mongering: a robust and restorative democracy that works for all people, rooted in racial justice, gender justice, and climate justice. Yet these progressive resistance movements – whether focused on racial equity, government accountability, or freedom of the press – are far less resourced, less connected, and less coordinated than their authoritarian counterparts. STROIKA is stepping up to change that.

As a nimble, progressive organization, we connect and securely support frontline leaders across our growing global network. We believe in the inherent power and expertise of the grassroots. Our approach mirrors the structure of the movements we support: it is not merely anti-authoritarian, but pro-democracy and fundamentally intersectional.

By enabling alliances across movements and connecting individuals across geographies, activist leaders are positioned to exchange vital information about the authoritarian toolbox, and develop innovative resistance strategies and campaigns. By securing unrestricted funding for their work, we implement and optimize these strategies for maximum impact. By analyzing authoritarianism with an intersectional lens and sharing our insights with the world, we help hone responses from both donors and activists.

4What can I do to help?

Consider giving to STROIKA’s Anti-Authortarian Fund: your tax-deductible donations will provide critical support to the frontline groups working for a better future around the world. If you know of an organization or activist that would be a good fit for STROIKA’s global anti-authoritarian network, don’t hesitate to contact us. [link] And seek out the progressive local organizations and civic movements that inspire you in your own communities, and find ways to give of your time and talents.

What can I do to help?

Consider giving to STROIKA’s Anti-Authoritarian Fund: your tax-deductible donations will provide critical support to the frontline groups working for a better future around the world. If you know of an organization or activist that would be a good fit for STROIKA’s global anti-authoritarian network, don’t hesitate to contact us. And seek out the progressive local organizations and civic movements that inspire you in your own communities, and find ways to give of your time and talents.

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